I was reading an article recently on msn titled "Why so many college grads fail to launch." http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/CollegeAndFamily/MoneyInYour20s/FailToLaunch.aspx
You see, contrary to popular belief, it isn't easy for most kids graduating to get a great job right away. Many college grads end up living with their parents in order to pay off high debts and they can barely afford to live off of most entry level salaries especially with all the loans and credit card debt they rack up while in college. Therefore, many college grads fail to launch. And there you have it the story of my life.
I failed to launch. After graduating in '05, I lived with my parents for almost two years and cooked and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I drove around in a '97 ford that I had dented my junior year in college. I worked at Macy's. I worked at a temp job, anything to pay the bills while I got my "booming" film career going in the Philadelphia market. I even---I even. Worked as a waitress in a steak house. Go Ivy League graduate. I was horribly bad at the waitress job, so bad that I got fired. Ugh. The night I was let go, I dropped someones cheese fries all over the floor. Sorry sweet heart, if you are reading this. And now I have moved out. How, I dont know because the bulk of my money goes to making minimum payments on credit cards. But yes, I have moved out. Now, how do I stop making these payments. The journey continues. How do I get into my film career. Well, thats for a career blog or something....I just turned in my approximately 12 w2's for filing my taxes. My dad said Whoa! you've had a lot of jobs this year. I thought "and you are telling me???" Things were so easy when I was school. Probably because I was living off of loans and financial aid....